Optics 0.6x wide-angle adaptor for Pana DVX100
John Beale Jan. 23 2004
The frames below are taken using the DVX100 both without (top frame)
and with (bottom frame) the Century Optics 0.6x wide-angle adaptor lens
mounted on the front. The camera was fixed in position on a tripod,
and did not move position between the two shots.
As you can see, some scenes make the barrel
distortion at the edges more obvious than others. To give a sense of
scale to the shot where I am standing against a wall, the camera is 15
feet from the wall, and I am 6 feet high. The final frame was
taken using the 0.6x adaptor with the sun in-frame to show the
secondary reflections. All outdoor frames were taken using the
DVX factory presets in F6 position, which is 24p-adv. The 0.6
lens shifts the focus of the camera considerably: without the lens
infinity focus would be 93 units on the focus scale; but with the lens,
infinity was at 30 units.
to DVX page.